Saturday, November 20, 2010

Origin of Shihab and the episode of his paranoia

Prabahkaran/ Shihab's distant relative
Great Shihab

The recent   episodes of Shihab’s  paranoia can be explained through his small island culture, history,  the belief system and  his disoriented mental status. The tiny island he hails from probably was inhabited by drifted Srilankan Vedas or persecuted victims from cholas kingdom . The population of this island never grew exceeding 200 inhabitants till the end of 20th century, intermarriages within very close blood relations has crippled the people physically due to recessive disorders and also total absent of nutritionally rich verities of food had aggravated the weakness of its people physically and mentally.  Lack of freedom in migration and movement and in hospitable small confined environment and poor diets would have caused metabolic imbalance resulting 
 Neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar syndrome  

These Islanders were separated from the rest of the world for many generations  and  lived in isolation up to  21st century. Superstition and religious voodoos were practiced to deal with day today affairs as well as nature’s mishaps and calamity.Death, diseases, fortune and every coincidence or accident were believed to be the direct result of  sin  of individuals or the wish of almighty. The advent of Islam in the 14th century and few learned people from Egypt who brought some Islamic teaching in the late 19th century had contributed much to fade the indigenous culture they inherited from Tamils and Vedas, Those who had opportunity to grasp religious folklore and a bit of political Islam from the influence of Egyptian scholars had dictated a political system in the Island. Thus the shaping of political system created a small scale cast system. Those who had upper hand to get involved in the political arena were considered elites and the so called elite controlled the other less affluence people by manipulating land, trees and any available resources. This second class was subjugated to elite’s virtual slaves who did the elite’s labor work in exchange with their staples and other needs.

Islam also has contributed much needed security to the people in the Island. Islamic spiritualism provided them a purpose of living in this remote and vulnerable Island. Islam taught them to be proud of being the people of god and it has taught living in this world was mere test and temporary. The people otherwise who were the most unfortunate people without any purpose of living, where life had nothing to offer except reproduction, Islamic theology gave them a purpose for living: living for eternal life where all happiness are waiting for the blessed one.

Their  socio economic situation changed slowly when the British naval base was established in Gan Island. Among them who were lucky enough  secured employment in the RAF base were more renowned  due to economic benefits and the social demarcation was redefined,the paid labourers at the RAF base reached higher on the social  hierarchy ladder   . but all believed that the education was the key for honorable social status; education was never seen as a development for society, country, or individual benefit; this  created a fierce competition for  children’s graduations associated with college  degrees. After the British left the naval base in Gan, the island fall in to appalling abysses, people almost went to starvation. But the time has listened to their grievance. The introduction of tourism in the Maldives and a bit know how in service industry through British influence, people from Addu had opportunity to be employed in the tourism industry. Infidel’s dollars started to change their life again. At the same time the political spectrum of Maldives took a U tern. Islamic scholar took the rein of Maldives. Under his leadership, the capital Male’ started to transform to more city like with schools and medical care, people of the island started to move to Male’ and was seen living in Male as another prestigious social status. Also under this Islamic authoritarian leader, lots of new Islamic values were introduced and people became indoctrinated through his cunningly devised propaganda. A mixed fanaticism with bit of modernity without any socioeconomic development has created very unethical and immoral society.

However the generation of Shiahb in his Island was still pursuing to maintain their status quo. Glorifying own children and finding a place in the social hierarchy was the society’s general psychosis. These very primitive behaviors made them very difficult to rationalize any common sense. People are very sensitive in the issues related with their children and aggrandize the achievement of their children and virtually the generation gap have converted parents to their children’s slave. Older generation was considered, naïve, timid socially outcaste and less intelligent

In this society, men were more privileged and women depend on men for every aspects of their life. Men’s supremacy is widely popular. Marriage is sole ceremonial and a husband is a showoff of social status. Intimacy, love, relationship, music, and social harmony are alien thing. Since these essence for social harmony do not exist, hatred, prejudice, pessimism, hypercriticism, narcissism like social evils are common characteristics of every men and woman.

The jealousy prevails to an extent that, no one likes to see others to prosper. The whole gossip and social interactions are based on others business and life. The men always humiliate woman and believe femininity is to be ridiculed. In man’s assemblies, the hot issue was always their experiences with women and talked about the sexual performance and even the physical parts of female sex. The women hated to see their friends and relatives getting married as marital status were seen as social gain.

The rejuvenation of Islamic teaching to its fundamental status by the Islamic ruler and arrival of hardcore Islamic scholars has contributed much to transformation of this society in to more conservative society. Through religious sermons and revival of Islam programs, people otherwise with very basic education or none, indoctrinated with religious dogma has turned to self accredited doctorates of Islam. This has resulted total collapse of civil obedience in rule of laws, respect to others and every civilized norms. Every one become his own master intellectually and believed what is right for him is right for others.

Under backdrop of this turmoil nation and in a very backward society in Meedhoo, Shihab was born and grew up to a very rudimentary family. The father Kalo was a small man whose brain function was on simple animal instinct; basic survival, eat and mate was his only purpose of living. The mother Fathima was typical island woman with attribution of 06th century Sri Lankan Vedda culture.
Shihab’s immediate family members all brothers and sisters had psychosis induced conditions which included child molestation, schizophrenia, Paranoid personality, and schizoid Personality. Shihab was a left child; his parents did not have much to offer him and with much of admonition of his wealthy brother in law and his half sister he lived under their mercy. This unhealthy childhood turned him a sadist maniac.

During his childhood and teenage time, he was living like a stray dog and to find a refuge from his misery he was desperate to find a permanent place where he could be respected and cared. In a male dominant society like him, most of the girls always eyed on these men and all the women do welcome any male partner to avoid  stigmatization for being unmarried as it was seen as social stigma. In this context, although he was pathetic maniac his gender was good enough to get any woman in his society. He did not have any problem to get a woman and was accepted by a poor, ignorant but with more locally accepted  cultural  moral background .

Shihanb’s matrimonial family was a very simple, hysterical, naive and poor, they have respected and accepted him for very reason the way the island’s social fabric woven. He was arrogant, maniac, intolerant, vindictive, lechery and this was known to his extended family. Despite the fact that he had disgraced his wife and the family and was having discriminatory approach to his wife, the family retained his relationship due to the reason that if they lose marital status, it would be a social stigma and for this family it was not easy to get married again.

Kalo’s son had ups and down in his married life. He was a pessimist in nature. He had five children and had almost no means to support such big family; therefore he lived with his family in his in-laws house. He was sluggish and due to his pessimism he never believed to take risks for betterment and lived in his remote Island where life was so simple and goes on with nature’s decree without much effort.
His extended family was a bit of mixed elite class and always wished to be recognized in this category. When the movement of moving to Male’ and education of the children was in its heights and was seen these two criteria as one of the key to hold in social hierarchy. He was slowly approached by his wife to take some steps to move his children to Male’ and finally he was convinced to take this bold action with hope of getting assistance from his brother in law to rent a shared house. He moved with his four children to his shared house and accommodated his four children in 10feet by 10 feet room. He procreated his fifth child in this room and extended his family with one more member. The children and his family lived in this house with dire condition and were humiliated by his half sister and her family with whom he shared the house. The humiliation and bullying by his sister and her family was mainly due to the belief he was taking advantage by living with them and was not paying utility bills. His wife’s egoism never accepted this humiliation, but Shihab being a callous man and with no self-esteem and due to insecurity in his mind he did not have courage to take a financial burden to give dignity to his children. With do or die in her mind his wife cunningly devised a plan with a promise of doing her own work to compensate any expenses to have their own place , had ultimately paid the price of taking the risk.

After leaving his refuge and had the luxury of his own rented place gave him no choice but stick to his low paid employment and in the meantime struggle to get other means to meet his both ends. He was doing every bit of this and every bit of that so he could make enough money to survive increasingly skyrocketing cost of living in that tiny capital. As there is saying “where there is a will there is a way”, his will after do or die situation, his life started to change, his employer recognized his long term service and his involvement in various money making ponzi schemes paved the way to stand on his feet.
Shihab being a typical Islander with psychosis condition and a sadist has forgotten his true nature and his place in the civilized world. After being financially affluent with the courage of his wife, he simply cultivated narcissist traits.
The reason to all nasty verbal abuse with me was nothing but his craziness, these verbal exchanges provides ample examples to prove this claim. Everything I have written in response to his vulgarity with vulgarity was due to fact to teach him who he was.

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